Core workout you can do at home with no equipment

Regina KambaMarch 6, 202314min1156

Core workout you can do at home with no equipment


I get to hear a lot of people say that I want to reduce my waistline, or I want a flat tummy, or I just want to reduce the fat around my waistline. The truth is you cannot spot-reduce fat. You need to exercise the entire core of your body to attain the six pack or the flat tummy.

The best part about this workout is that it requires just your bodyweight, so you can do it anywhere. You do not necessarily need equipment or the gym.

Though these moves focus primarily on the core, they challenge plenty of other muscles in your body including shoulders and arms

What are the core muscles?

When people think about their core, they probably envision their abs and maybe their oblique. It consists of all the muscles around your torso, including your back and pelvis.

The core muscles are the most important muscles in the body for movement.

Not only do strong core muscles look good but they all work together to help protect your spine. The core helps to prevent injury, and also allows you to transfer force from your lower body to your upper body (and vice versa), in all directions, and it is responsible for giving you strength and stability when bending or twisting.

Core Training

Core exercises strengthen the muscles of your abdomen, back, and the lower body i.e. hips, quads, glutes, hamstring and pelvic They can be done from the floor, standing up, or using benches, tables or equipment. There are literally many ways to strengthen your core.

Research suggests that a strong core contributes to;

  1. increased sports performance whether you are in professional sport, leisure sport like golf, or you participate in marathon
  2. stability – strong core helps you maintain balance, good posture, and an overall strong body and reduces the risk of falling and injuries
  3. reduced back pain – strong core protects the spine
  4. increased functional strength for everyday activity- bending, twisting, turning while performing daily activities of shopping, walking, cooking, working.

Below are 21 core exercises that you can do at home

  1. Crunch

Lie flat on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place your arms at the back of your head with the finger tips touching the back of your ears. Contracting your abdominal muscles, bring your ribcage closer to your hips. Your extreme lower back should remain on the floor. Squeeze tight and return to the start position with your back flat on the ground. 

  1. Heel taps

Lie flat on your back with your feet flat on the ground. Your feet and knees should be together and tucked high close to your glutes. With your hands at your sides, contract your left obliques to touch your left heel with your left hand and then immediately contract your right obliques to touch your right heel with your right hand. 

  1. Plank hold

Place forearms on the floor with elbows aligned below shoulders and arms parallel to your body at about shoulder width. If flat palms bother your wrists, clasp your hands together. Brace the body and hold this position.

Hold for 30 seconds to start with, increase the times as you get better.

  1. Plank jack

Start in plank position balancing on forearms (elbows aligned under shoulders) and toes. Tighten abs so your body is straight from head to heels.  Jack your feet out wide. Remain in plank position as you quickly jump your feet back together. Continue to jump back in and out while keeping your back flat and your arms steady.

Perform plank jacks for 30 seconds to start and progressively work up to 60 seconds or jump faster to increase the intensity.

  1. Plank toe touch

Start in a plank position with your arms extended and hand under your shoulders and your feet balancing on your toes. Move your left arm and reach out to the toe of the right leg while the feet and left arm remain in position. Repeat with the other arm.

  1. Plank twist

Start in plank position balancing on forearms (elbows aligned under shoulders) and toes. Tighten abs so your body is straight from head to heels. Twist your body side to side as you remain on the same position with your back flat.

  1. Glute bridge hold

Lie face-up on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat to the floor. The back of your heels should be aligned with the front of your knee. Keep your arms at your side with your palms down. Lift your hips off the floor until your knees, hips and shoulders form a straight line.

Hold the bridged position for 30 seconds, then ease back down

  1. Mountain climbers

Assume the press-up position. Keeping your torso stable, bring your right knee up to your chest while the other foot remains in position. Repeat the motion with your left leg whilst simultaneously bringing your right leg to the starting position. The arms do not move.

Perform 10 reps on each leg to start with and increase the speed and reps as you progress.

  1. Cross-body Mountain climbers

Assume the press-up position. Keeping your torso stable, bring your right knee up toward the elbow of the left arm while the other foot remains in position. Repeat the motion with your left leg whilst simultaneously bringing your right leg to the starting position. The arms do not move.

Perform 10 reps on each leg to start with and increase the speed and reps as you progress.

  1. Leg raises

Lay flat on your back with your legs outstretched and toes pointed. You may place your hands under your glutes for extra support. Slowly raise your feet straight up and slowly lower them back down. Do not touch your feet to the ground again until you finish the exercise.

Start with 10 controlled reps and add as you progress.

  1. Bicycle crunch

Start in the crunch position, with your hands at the back of your head so that your elbows are bent. Bend both your knees slightly and keep your feet elevated. Contract your abs as you bring your left elbow and right knee in so that they nearly touch. Repeat for the other side whilst simultaneously returning your right knee to the start position

Perform 10 reps on each leg and progressively increase as you gain strength and speed.

  1. Reverse crunch

Lay on your back with your arms by your side and legs extended above hips, knees bent. Lower your legs whilst maintaining control of your lower back. Return your legs and without using momentum lift your hips from the floor just enough to feel your abs contracting

  1. V-Hold

Lay flat on your back, with your feet, pointed. Your arms should be outstretched vertically over your head. Contract your core to raise both your feet and arms to about 45 degrees off the ground. Hold this position for 20 seconds to start with.

Increase the time as you progress.

  1. Shoulder taps

Start in a high plank position with your palms flat on the floor, hands shoulder-width apart, shoulders stacked directly above your wrists, legs extended behind you, and your core and glutes engaged. Tap your right hand to your left shoulder while engaging your core and glutes to keep your hips as still as possible so that they’re not swaying from side to side. Do the same thing with your left hand to right shoulder.

  1. Russian twist

Sit with knees bent, feet flat and slightly raised from the floor, lean back, twist to the left and then to the right

  1. Side plank

Bend lower arm at the elbow, place upper hand on the hip, push body up, balancing on edge of the bottom foot with other foot directly on top.

  1. Bird dogs

Start on all fours with knees under hips and hands under shoulders. Extend opposite arm and opposite leg as far as possible concentrating on lengthening the body. Next bring the knee and elbow together while contracting the core muscles. Repeat on the other side.

  1. Back Extensions

Lie on your belly with the arms stretched out in front. Take a big breath in as you lift both arms and legs off the floor. Hold for a few seconds and return back down.

  1. Bear Hold Knee Tap

Get on a table-top position on the floor. Keeping your core engaged and your back flat, lift your knees so they’re hovering over the mat. Bring your right hand back to tap your left knee, keeping your left toes on the ground. Return your hand and foot to the mat, then alternate, tapping your left hand to your right knee.

  1. Flutter kick

Lie face up with legs extended, toes pointed, and hands tucked under glutes to support lower back. Lift both legs a few inches off the floor and alternately kick legs up and down.

  1. Scissors Kicks

Lie on your back with feet straight up in the air, hands behind your head. Next lower one leg maintaining back pressure without moving your back. As soon as you lose that pressure return the foot to the starting position while lowering the other foot.

There isn’t an excuse not to train abs now that you’re armed with the best core exercises you can do at home. Abs aren’t just for aesthetics; a strong core is essential for so many other functions mentioned above.

So do yourself a favor, build a strong core and look beautiful in the process.

About me

I’m a real food lover, fitness, nutrition and wellness enthusiast, content creator and a blogger. I love and enjoy trying new recipes, hiking, reading, road trips, good food, working out, travelling, the oceans, rivers, safaris, crocheting, designing and sewing clothes, gardening, flowers.


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