Gym Etiquette
My first attempt at physical fitness many years ago was jogging at a field near my then place of work. I quickly learned that I couldn’t run to save my life, and therefore I quit.
When I joined the gym much later, I had fear that it was going to flop. So I made a commitment by paying for three months’ subscription so that I stay the course for at least the paid duration. Since I have never exercised at the gym before, I had questions; how will I use all the scary equipment? what if I fall off the treadmill? what if I make a fool of myself?
Luckily I met gym instructors and trainers who were very patient with me and I never had any scary or embarrassing.
However, there are things that I found uncomfortable from the some gym users;
- Comments about your deemed inappropriate gym wear. Your shoe in not fit for jogging and further recommending kind of shoe, where to buy and their preferred brand.
- Unsolicited advice on the workout form. You’re doing it all wrong, that’s not how to do push-up. Without asking, they went ahead to demonstrate
- Comments about someone’s body form. You have a fantastic body; why do you need to work out. There are many reasons why people workout not only to lose weight.
- Prying into people’s privacy at the changing room. At the changing rooms, comments from strangers about the beauty products (I don’t like that brand of lotion, I prefer blah, blah, blah), dressing (that dress is a bit short, or you wear shoes before you put on a dress?), make-up (let me see that your make-up kit, where did you get it from?)
- Too much or too loud talking during work out or making unwelcome small talk in the changing room.
- Note that gym workout or any form of exercise is not a competition. Everybody is in their own journey, don’t be a distraction
- Do not make unwelcome comment about someone’s showering, dressing or make-up routine. To some people, that is a sacred moment
- DO NOT comment about somebody’s body size or shape
- Do not behave in a way to make others feel uncomfortable. Showing-off like you have been there longer and therefore you’re better or you know better than someone who just joined
- Do not ask why someone is in the gym or is exercising. For some;
- The person maybe diagnosed pre-diabetic who wants to stay off medication and avoid diabetes
- A working professional who want to preserve the energy to sustain a demanding career
- As a healthy outlet to manage stress
- Ageing adult to avoid osteoporosis and reduce risk of serious fall injury
- To remain active
- May be going through a rough patch in their life and wants to let off steam
- For fun
- Avoid being chatty, some people prefer exercising in silence
- Unless someone asks, do not offer unsolicited help or opinions.
- You never know what struggles people are going through. Some are recovering from surgeries, injuries, trauma, loss, heartbreak etc.
- Mind your own business