Regina KambaJune 26, 2023
How can I make exercise a part of my regular routine? Make everyday activities more active. Even small changes can help. You can take the stairs instead of the elevator. Walk down the hall to a coworker’s office instead of sending an email. Wash the car yourself. Park further away from your destination. Find your […]

Regina KambaJune 1, 2023
Why do we need exercise? Regular exercise helps prevent or manage many health problems and concerns such as; osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, cancer, cardiovascular, hypertension, diabetes, anxiety, depression Strengthen bones and muscles hence minimize injury risks Improves mood and makes you feel happier- increases the production of endorphins, which are known to help produce positive feelings and […]

Regina KambaApril 10, 2023
What exercises improves your balance and prevent falls Poor balance often leads to falls, which can cause head injuries and other disabling injuries. Hip fractures, in particular, can lead to serious health complications and threaten independence. A combination of activities such as walking, strength training, and specific workouts can improve balance and prevent falls, especially […]

Regina KambaApril 6, 2023
What is Warm-up and Cool-down? Warm-up and cool-down are slower-paced, reduced-intensity movements that precede and follow exercise. A warm-up before exercise builds gradually toward the pace and intensity of the exercise. A cool-down following activity, also called a warm-down, gradually returns the body to its resting state. Both the warm-up and cool-down place special emphasis […]

Regina KambaFebruary 22, 2023
Regular exercise is good for your body and safe for almost everyone. However, with any type of activity, there is a chance you can get hurt. A workout injury can happen to anyone, no matter your experience or fitness level. Whether it’s knee pain, a sore elbow, or a pulled muscle, exercise-related injuries are common in people of all […]

Regina KambaFebruary 11, 2023
Why you should incorporate Wall Sit exercise in your workout If you don’t love squats or are not able to do them due to weak muscles or mobility issues, try wall sits for 5 minutes daily. It doesn’t take long to feel the benefits of a wall sit. Nor does it take any equipment. It uses […]

Regina KambaJanuary 2, 2023
My first attempt at physical fitness many years ago was jogging at a field near my then place of work. I quickly learned that I couldn’t run to save my life, and therefore I quit. When I joined the gym much later, I had fear that it was going to flop. So I made a […]

About me

I’m a real food lover, fitness, nutrition and wellness enthusiast, content creator and a blogger. I love and enjoy trying new recipes, hiking, reading, road trips, good food, working out, travelling, the oceans, rivers, safaris, crocheting, designing and sewing clothes, gardening, flowers.


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