Why you should have a long term view of your fitness goals

Regina KambaDecember 16, 20223min1297

Why you should have a long term view of your fitness goals


Once you set your fitness goals, focus on the process.

People give up because of too much focus on the outcome.

You focus on getting a six pack in 3 months because you read, “how to get six pack in weeks”

You focus on getting shapely booty or hour glass shape in a month because you were told, ” if you do this workout for 30 days…..”

That is too much unnecessary pressure. It is not sustainable, and you are most likely going to give up.

Instead focus on the process and celebrate your small wins.

If you can do 10 jumping jacks without losing breath, that’s a win. If you are able to bench press with 5kg from previously using 3kg, that’s a win. If you are able to do 15 push-ups from 10, celebrate. If you are able to skip 100 reps from 70 previously, clap for yourself.

Every day that you show up is a BIG WIN. Because you’re getting healthier and happier.

You’ll begin to see and feel the benefits consistent physical activity can have on your body and well-being quickly.

Focus on;

  1. Sticking to your short term realistic and achievable goals e.g. doing at least 10 pushups in a day, doing 200 skips, running 5km a day, lifting 5kgs dumbbell, etc.
  2. Making a habit. If you set to workout 4 days a week, be specific on the days and stick to it even when you are not feeling like it. Also decide the time of the day that’s most appropriate for you to exercise based on your schedule and lifestyle. Discipline and consistency will get you the result in the long term.
  3. Creating a new healthy lifestyle. When you focus on the goal, once you achieve it you have no motivation to continue. For instance, if your goal is to loose 5kg, or to participate in the upcoming race. Instead, look at fitness as a way of life. There are so many exercises you can do based on your fitness level, age, health status, etc.

You’ll eventually attain your goal. Every body is different and our metabolism are unique to individuals. Some may get there sooner than others. Focus on yourself.

It takes time, a lot of time.

Don’t pressure yourself!!

About me

I’m a real food lover, fitness, nutrition and wellness enthusiast, content creator and a blogger. I love and enjoy trying new recipes, hiking, reading, road trips, good food, working out, travelling, the oceans, rivers, safaris, crocheting, designing and sewing clothes, gardening, flowers.


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