8 Reasons Travel is Good for your Mental Health

Regina KambaMay 20, 20235min989

8 Reasons Travel is Good for your Mental Health


Mental Health Awareness

The World Health Organisation (WHO) describes mental health as “a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.”

Mental health is as important as physical health and requires nurturing and active maintenance.

We all deserve some time away from the hustle and bustle of life. It’s not only because time away from work and the responsibilities of daily life helps us shed stress, our brains, it seems, are happier when we take them to new places.     .

Travel is a great way to maintain mental wellbeing and, by extension, it contributes to a happier and more fulfilling life.

Traveling can improve your mental health by:

  1. Helping you feel calm and reduce stress

    Taking time from work to see new places releases the stress you’ve been holding onto. Relieving the tension and stress of your work life lets your mind relax and heal. Being under pressure at work not only stresses your mind and body, but also hurts your physical health.

  2. Allowing for regular resets

     Making time for regular travel can have a better impact on your mental health. Going to different places regularly can improve the benefits you get from vacations. Some people can feel the positive impacts of their vacation for up to five weeks after their return.

  3. Travel gives you opportunities to try new things and combat monotony

    Travel connects people and provides opportunities to learn about new and different cultures, which can help increase your empathy towards others. It can also help improve your overall tolerance, reduce biases and even decrease frustration.

  4. Travel helps your brain function better and boosts creativity

    Immersing yourself in new cultures increases your mind’s ability to move between different ideas, think more deeply, and integrate thoughts. People who travel more can come up with diverse ideas. Exposure to new cultures, making international friends, studying new languages, and taking in different types of food and music have been linked to better problem-solving skills.

  5. It boosts happiness and satisfaction

    Apart from the obvious fact that you don’t have to go to work, traveling gives you the opportunity to step away from the daily grind. The new events and experiences help rewire your brain, hence boosting your mood and self-confidence.

  6. Time away from work can increase your energy and productivity at work

    Taking a break can help you reach those career goals. If you don’t have a lot of time or money to spend on travel, remember that you do not need to go far. A day or weekend trip to a local place that you have always been meaning to check out will bring the benefits as well. A quick change of scenery can work all the wonders. When you get back from vacation, try to remember the peaceful moments, or some of the more fun experiences that you had while away, that can help you keep in touch with the more meaningful parts of life

  7. Doing something you enjoy makes you happy

    Pull out that bucket list and see what you still need to check off. Whether you enjoy the road trip, the safaris, mountains or beaches, by doing something you enjoy, you perform necessary self-care and contribute to your own happiness.

  8. Travelling with loved ones helps meet your needs for love and belonging

    Sharing your amazing travel adventures with loved ones helps enhance your connection with them while intensifying feelings of love, belonging, and fulfilment. Think of a family holiday on a beautiful island or a trip eating all sorts of delicious food with your best friend

What’s in your travel bucket list?


About me

I’m a real food lover, fitness, nutrition and wellness enthusiast, content creator and a blogger. I love and enjoy trying new recipes, hiking, reading, road trips, good food, working out, travelling, the oceans, rivers, safaris, crocheting, designing and sewing clothes, gardening, flowers.


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